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“Strong Leaders Make Strong Institutions”
How best to support women candidates is a question a group of women and men sought to look for answers to at a workshop in Tripoli organized by the UN Support Mission in Libya.
The United Nations and the Libyan Ministry of Defence are pleased to invite you to attend a roundtable discussion they are jointly organizing on the theme: “The Role of Women in Dialogue and Peace-Building in Libya".
Tripoli, 04 November 2013 – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya strongly condemns the series of assassinations in Benghazi that have targeted security and military officials as well as political activists and other citizens.
On 2 November, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Libya has inaugurated a photo and multimedia exhibition aimed at raising awareness about the plight of persons from Syria while they flee their country and reach Libya.
Tripoli, 31 October 2013 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) today hosted a consultative meeting of representatives of Libyan political forces during which issues related to the democratic process and the difficulties surrounding it were discussed.
Dear friends,
United Nations Day is a chance to recognize how much this invaluable Organization contributes to peace and common progress. It is a time to reflect on what more we can do to realize our vision for a better world.
New York, 10 October 2013, The Secretary-General is relieved by the release of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan of Libya and emphasises his continued support to the Government of Libya. He reiterates his condemnation of the Prime Minister's abduction.
Tripoli- 10 October 2013 – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) denounces the abduction of Prime Minister Mr. Ali Zeidan and calls for his immediate release.