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Ali Elakermi has earned for himself the label of Libya’s second longest-serving prisoner of opinion, having spent about 30 years in Gadhafi regime prisons.
Holding a chart in one hand and a microphone in another, the moderator turned to the audience and asked: “I want to fix the water system. I want to improve the visitors’ rooms. What to do? That’s why a Development Section is needed. I want to even purchase ink for a printer, who to ask?
At the 7083rd meeting of the Security Council, held on 16 December 2013, in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “The situation in Libya”, the President of the Security Council made the following statement on behalf of the Council:
MISRATA – The preparations took months, the final drag a few hours and in a matter of a few minutes 50 tonnes of explosives went up in smoke, destroyed in two controlled detonations and ridding Libya of dangerous, unstable explosive remnants of war that pose a serious threat to p
The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) will hold a news conference on Tuesday 17 December 2013 to discuss the latest developments, including the briefing of Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Mr.
“Strong Leaders Make Strong Institutions”