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A multimedia exhibit showing Libya's transition on the long road to democracy after a violent conflict opened at UN Headquarters in New York on Tuesday 29 January 2013.
Mr. President
The UN Support Mission in Libya visits Libya's desert South discovering unrealized potentials in a remote region buffeted by tensions and ethnic politics.
Tripoli, 20 December 2012- The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary- General for Libya, Mr. Tarek Mitri, visited Misrata on 19 December 2012 to meet with the city's Local Council, Advisory Council and civil society organizations.
A conference on truth-seeking and reconciliation in Libya, which was convened in the Libyan Capital, Tripoli, on 12-13 December, concluded its deliberations with a set of recommendations on the way forward to tackle this crucial aspect of Libya's democratic transition.
The Conference on Truth and Reconciliation: The Way Forward, held in Tripoli on 12-13 December, brought together Government officials, members of the Fact-Finding and Reconciliation Commission, members of the General National Congress, members of the Council of Wise Men (hukama), representatives
Tripoli, 12 December 2012 (Translated from Arabic)
Dear Friends,
Tripoli, 12 December 2012 - A conference on truth-seeking and reconciliation in Libya opened in Tripoli today, bringing together Libyan officials and activists as well as experts from both Libya and abroad.