بيان للصحافة من رئيس مجلس الأمن - ١٠ تموز/يوليو ٢٠١٢ (بالانكليزية)

27 أغسطس 2012

بيان للصحافة من رئيس مجلس الأمن - ١٠ تموز/يوليو ٢٠١٢ (بالانكليزية)

The members of the Security Council welcome the holding on 7 July 2012 of the first national elections in Libya in nearly half a century. The members of the Security Council consider the elections a milestone for Libya's democratic transition.
The members of the Security Council congratulate the Libyan people on this occasion and commend their peaceful participation in the process, while strongly condemning the isolated incidents of violence that occurred.

The members of the Security Council commend the Libyan authorities, particularly the High National Electoral Commission of Libya, domestic observers and all others involved, for the well-conducted preparations and management of elections on the day.

The members of the Security Council appreciate the support provided by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) during the electoral process and look forward to UNSMIL's support to Libya during the next phase of its democratic transition, including the process of preparing a new constitution, promoting rule of law and protecting human rights, restoring public security, countering illicit arms proliferation and coordinating international assistance.
The members of the Security Council reaffirm resolution 2040 (2012).