UNSMIL will support the promotion of women’s political participation and address the four pillars of Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) and the women, peace and security agenda.
Promote progress on women, peace and security agenda through:
- Empowering and strengthening the role of Libyan women in public life and securing equal participation in peacebuilding and reconciliation processes.
- Advocating for the full, equal, effective and meaningful participation of women, including in leadership positions, and in all activities and decision-making relating to inclusive political processes and peacebuilding.
Ensure women's representation including in peace talks and reconciliation through:
- Advocating for better representation of women by supporting female representatives from civil society organizations to organize an advocacy campaign on the role of women in peace building.
- Ensuring gender equality and policies for the empowerment of women are pursued, identifying concrete ways to increase women's meaningful participation in the process and to create opportunities to enhance gender-responsive outcomes.
Ensuring gender mainstreaming in all Mission activities, deliverables and results through:
- Mainstreaming a gender perspective in the Mission’s operational activities, deliverables, and results.
- Dedicating adequate resources to further gender equality within Libya’s political ranks by advocating and promoting the inclusion of women in political and electoral processes, in national governance and security sector structures, in peace processes and conflict management and prevention.
Support the mainstreaming and integration of the youth, peace and security agenda through:
- Developing a strategy focused on the effective integration and mainstreaming of the youth, peace and security agenda in community engagement approaches, political strategies, and mandate implementation in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2250 (2015).
- Developing measures for successful partnerships with, and participation, protection, and reintegration of youth.