16 Sep 2020 - TRIPOLI, 16 September 2020 – A group of Libyan healthcare professionals from across the country met in Tripoli, Benghazi and Sebha to participate via a video teleconference in the first of a series of UN-supported technical exchanges to combat COVID-19.
13 Sep 2020 - 13 September 2020 - UNSMIL expresses grave concern regarding reports that one civilian was killed, three were injured, and a number of other demonstrators were arrested on 12 September following the reported excessive use of force by eastern authorities against peaceful demonstrators in the city of al-Marj. UNSMIL calls for a thorough and immediate investigation into these incidents and for the speedy release of all those arbitr
10 Sep 2020 - Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (ASRSG) and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Stephanie Williams warmly welcomes the outcomes of the consultations amongst key Libyan stakeholders that took place in Montreux in Switzerland under the auspices of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and in the presence of UNSMIL between 7-9 September. ASRSG Williams sincerely thanks the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue t
04 Sep 2020 - TRIPOLI - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) congratulates the citizens of Misrata on a peaceful and successful electoral process conducted yesterday 03 September 2020.
29 Aug 2020 - TRIPOLI – Libya is witnessing a dramatic turn of events that underlines the urgent need to return to a full and inclusive political process that will meet the aspirations of the Libyan people for representative government, dignity, and peace. UNSMIL urges calm, the application of the rule of law and the preservation of the rights of all citizens to peacefully express their views.
24 Aug 2020 - The rights to peaceful assembly, protest and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights and fall within Libya’s obligations under international human rights law. UNSMIL calls for an immediate and thorough investigation into the excessive use of force by pro-GNA security personnel in Tripoli yesterday which resulted in the injury of a number of protesters.
21 Aug 2020 - The Secretary-General welcomes the calls for a ceasefire and an end to hostilities in Libya, which were announced in separate statements today by Prime Minister Fayez Al-Serraj and Speaker of the House of Representatives Aguila Saleh.
21 Aug 2020 - TRIPOLI - The Acting SRSG to Libya Stephanie Williams warmly welcomes the points of agreement in the declarations issued today by President of the Presidency Council Fayez Al-Serraj and Speaker of the House of Representative Aguila Saleh -- which demonstrate the courage which Libya is in urgent need of during these trying times -- and which call for a ceasefire, in the hope that this will be taken up quickly by the 5+5 Joint Military Commission, with the departure of all fo
18 Aug 2020 - Tripoli 18 August 2020 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) welcomes the determination of the citizens of the city of Ghat to exercise their democratic rights to participate in the city’s municipal elections, the first local election held in Libya this year.