Press releases

  • 20 Apr 2017 - Tunis – With the support from the Libyan Ministry of Local Government and the European Union, UNICEF announced the launch of a contest for the 'Child Friendly Municipality' Award in Libya. The Award aims to promote Child Rights and a protective environment for children and youth at the municipal level.
  • 20 Apr 2017 - Libya - IOM Libya’s latest Displacement Tracking Matrix Mobility Tracking report shows that there are 294,436 IDP individuals residing in 89 baladiyas (municipalities) across the country and 196,852 individuals who have returned to their homes across 30 baladiyas.
  • 20 Apr 2017 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) is following with great concern the tense situation in and around Tamanhint, where intermittent fighting continues to be reported.  The UN is deeply worried about the impact this heightened violence is having on the lives of the residents of South of Libya.  
  • 19 Apr 2017 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Martin Kobler condemns the killing of 14 members of one family in Tarhouna, and calls for a prompt, impartial and full investigation into their deaths with a view to bringing those responsible to justice. The SRSG also urges protection of the witnesses and relatives of the victims.
  • 31 Mar 2017 - Libya - Japan, through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has committed USD 679,500 to support a 12–month project addressing the immediate needs of internally displaced families in Libya.
  • 30 Mar 2017 - The Senior Military Adviser for the UN Support Mission in Libya, General Paolo Serra, arrived in Tripoli to consult with the Presidency Council and the Ministries of Defence and Interior on the next steps required for the implementation of the interim security arrangements contained in the Libyan Political Agreement (LPA).
  • 29 Mar 2017 - WHAT: 5th edition of the Libyan Experts Forum for Development Cooperation  WHO: More than 40 Libyan Experts in development, policy makers, influencers, University professors and opinion leadersMs. Maria do Valle Ribeiro, United Nations Deputy SRSG, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator  United Nations Agencies, Funds and Programmes WHEN:30-31 March 2017, starting at 9 AMs 
  • 22 Mar 2017 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Martin Kobler is gravely concerned at continued and persistent reports of serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law being perpetrated across Libya .
  • 20 Mar 2017 - Libya - IOM Libya last week (17/03) published DTM Libya’s Internal Displacement in Libya – 2016 in Review which presents a comprehensive overview of Libya’s human mobility patterns, trends and dynamics for 2016. The report also provides an analysis of Libya’s internally displaced persons (IDP) displacement drivers, shelter settings, primary needs and demographics categorized by period of displacement.
  • 20 Mar 2017 - 20 March 2017 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Martin Kobler, warns of dangerous escalation across Libya emanating from the deteriorating security situation in Tripoli and events in Misrata and Benghazi.
