Welcome to the Ra’idat programme 2024-25 application page.
Through the Ra’idat programme the UN in Libya aims to provide space for and magnify the voice of young Libyan women so they can ably participate in deciding their country’s future including through the political dialogue.
What is the Ra’idat programme?
The Ra’idat programme is a year-long training programme for young women from Libya who wish to, or are already active, in their communities as leaders.
The programme focuses on, through training every two months, building the communications, teamwork, leadership and advocacy skills of participants alongside their knowledge of elections, human rights, and women’s legal rights in Libya.
Training sessions cover:
- Strategic communications and advocacy – includes developing communication campaigns, media literacy, media training and messaging, presenting and debating skills.
- Teamwork and leadership skills
- Political awareness – includes elections and national reconciliation
- Human rights – includes women’s rights and transitional justice
- Critical thinking
- Opportunities to under take training at the European Union and/or the African Union.
Application criteria
The Ra’idat programme is open to young Libyan women from across the country who meet the following criteria:
- Libyan and aged 18-30;
- Must be active in their communities, or have the ambition to be active leaders;
- From any region of Libya and be living in Libya;
- Applicants with disabilities are encouraged;
- Applicants from all social and cultural components are encouraged;
- Candidates cannot be related to senior state officials to avoid conflicts of interest.
How to apply
Applications are now closed.
Timeline of applications
After applications are closed, all applications will be assessed against the criteria.
40 applicants will be chosen and contacted in late August to take part in a one day teamwork interview session in Tripoli, where their compatibility with the programme will be assessed.
Following this day, 30 candidates will be chosen to move forward for the next year in the programme.
Only successful applicants will be contacted for the next step.