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  1. Martin Kobler Urges Full cooperation with the Temporary Security Committee Members in Tripoli

    7 March 2016... of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Martin Kobler, expresses concern over the detention of ...

  2. Martin Kobler calls for a greater participation of Libyan women in all spheres of Libyan society

    8 March 2016

  3. United Nations Special Representative in Libya Urges End of Fighting in Kufra and Shaqiqa Areas

    18 June 2012... Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya (SRSG) Ian Martin expresses his concerns about the recent resumption of fighting in a ...

  4. UNSMIL Urges Dialogue Participants to Seize Momentum and Leaders to Act to Stop Military Escalation

    9 March 2015... that followed the conclusion on 7 March of three days of Libyan political dialogue facilitated by ...

  5. Security Council urges Libyan dialogue participants to endorse, sign the Political Agreement for GNA

    8 November 2015 07 November 2015 - SECURITY COUNCIL PRESS STATEMENT ON LIBYA ...

  6. UNSMIL urges unification of Libyan electoral authorities for municipal council elections in Libya

    27 January 2021... the political process continues to make progress through the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum towards securing the necessary condit ...

  7. UNSMIL Regrets Delay, Urges GNA Formation Within new Timeline as Important Step to ConfrontTerrorism

    18 January 2016 Libyan Stakeholders Must Hold Country’s National Interests Above all Considerations ...

  8. UNSMIL urges Libyan parties to seize upon calls for truce to resume the 5+5 Joint Military Commission Talks

    30 April 2020... Building on the various Libyan and international calls for a ceasefire, including the Libyan National Army's constructive statement announcing a truce during Ram ...

  9. Special Envoy Ján Kubiš meets Libyan officials in Libya, urges swift implementation of Ceasefire Agreement, LPDF Roadmap and stresses the importance of holding national elections on 24 December

    28 April 2021 Tripoli, 28 April 2021 - Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya Ján Kubiš arrived in Libya on Monday 26

  10. UNSMIL congratulates the Libyan people on Independence Day, and urges them to consolidate efforts towards National Elections

    24 December 2020... Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) congratulates all Libyans inside the country and in the diaspora on the 69th an ...
