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  1. Job Opening Supply Assistant UNSMIL-LL5-GJO013/2022 Title:

    30 May 2022... help to achieve a ceasefire and, once it is agreed by the Libyan parties, provide appropriate support to its implementation; (v) support ... and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work. ...

  2. Stabilization Facility for Libya Endorses Benghazi, Obari and Kikla for a Quick Assessment

    27 May 2016 Stabilization Facility for Libya Endorses Benghazi, Obari and Kikla for a Quick Assessment

  3. UNHCR in collaboration with DRC conducts two workshops on the IDP response in Libya

    16 June 2015 Tunis- The Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in collaboration with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), recently conducted two workshops on internally displaced persons (IDPs) in L ...

  4. IOM Libya Helps 421 Stranded African Migrants Return Home

    3 May 2017 Libya - On 25 April, IOM, the UN Migration Agency helped 253 stranded Nigerian migrants – 148 women and 105 men – return home to Nigeria from Libya.

  5. Over 1,000 refugees evacuated out of Libya by UNHCR

    15 February 2018 Since November, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has evacuated over 1,000 highly vulnerable refugees out of Libya and is looking for durable solutions for them in third countries.

  6. UNSMIL and UNMAS Statement on International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action 2023

    4 April 2023 TRIPOLI - 04 April 2023 – On International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action today, the

  7. A Portrait of Libya in Transition

    31 January 2013 ...

  8. UN Reports

    3 September 2014 2014

  9. President of GA, Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser on acts of defamation of religions and religious symbols

    13 September 2012 United Nations, New York - 12 September 2012

  10. United Nations Strongly Condemns Attack on General National Congress

    3 March 2014 Tripoli, 03 March 2014 – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) strongly condemns the attack on the General National Congress and the assault against its members as
