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  1. UNSMIL Condemns Attack on al-Kaam Checkpoint

    23 August 2018... today’s terrorist attack on al-Kaam Checkpoint east of the Libyan capital Tripoli which  ...

  2. UN Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo and AU Commissioner Chergui make a two-day visit to Libya

    13 March 2019... DiCarlo and African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security Ambassador Smail Chergui conducted a joint visit to Libya from 12-13 ...

  3. UN Secretary-General expresses deep concern over military movements in Libya, calls for calm and restraint

    4 April 2019

  4. UNSMIL Statement on continued violations of arms embargo in Libya

    25 January 2020 The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) deeply regrets the continued blatant violations of the arms embargo in Libya, even after the commitments made in this regard by concerned

  5. UNSMIL statement on protests in Tripoli on 23 August 2020

    24 August 2020 The rights to peaceful assembly, protest and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights and fall within Libya’s obligations under international human rights law.

  6. Acting SRSG Stephanie Williams meets Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov in Moscow for talks on Libya

    16 October 2020 TRIPOLI, 16 October 2020 - Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (ASRSG) for Libya and Head of the United Nations Sup

  7. UN Convenes Meetings to Review Preliminary Results of the Financial Audit Review of the Central Bank of Libya

    5 April 2021 Between 2-5 April, The United Nations Support Mission I Libya (UNSMIL), together with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and Deloitte International, the firm selecte

  8. UNSMIL convenes LPDF Legal Committee Meeting on the Constitutional Basis for 24 December Elections

    7 April 2021... facilitates a three-day direct meeting of the LPDF Legal Committee in Tunis from 7 to 9 April to final ...

  9. UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Libya Ján Kubiš pays an official visit to U.A.E, meets Emiratis officials

    10 April 2021 © UNSMIL/M ALASAADI Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš concluded today a three-day visit to the United Arab Emi ...

  10. Statement on the meeting of the Economic Working Group of the International Follow-Up Committee

    27 July 2021 On July 26, Economic Working Group Co-Chairs, represented by UNSMIL Coordinator Raisedon Zenenga, EU Ambassador Jose Sabadell, US Special Envoy, and Ambassador Richard N
