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  1. OHCHR press release: Libyan human rights defenders under attack – UN report

    25 March 2015... reveals a catalogue of violent attacks and threats against Libyan rights defenders, across Libya – and in so ...

  2. UNSMIL holds the second virtual meeting of the second round of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum

    25 November 2020 The Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (ASRSG) and Head of the United Mission Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Stephanie Williams convened

  3. Libyan Civil Society Meeting Stresses Peaceful Resolution, Unimpeded Access to humanitarian Aid

    21 August 2015... Tunis, Tunisia, 20 August 2015 - A meeting of Libyan civil society organisations and activists convened in Tunis, Tunisia, on ...

  4. Libyan Political Dialogue Forum kicks off in the Tunisian capital and discusses a draft political roadmap

    10 November 2020... TUNIS, 09 November 2020 - The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) kicked off on Monday 9 November 2020, ...

  5. SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily's Remarks to the Security Council Meeting on Libya - 18 April 2023

    18 April 2023 (As delivered)

  6. UNSMIL: New Round of Libyan Political Dialogue at UN Office in Geneva next Week

    10 January 2015 10 January 2015 – Libyan parties have agreed to hold a new round of political dialogue with a view to ...

  7. Statement by the President of the Security Council on the situation in Libya

    18 December 2013... At the 7083rd meeting of the Security Council, held on 16 December 2013, in connection with the Council’s ... entitled “The situation in Libya”, the President of the Security ...

  8. ASG/Mission Coordinator, Raisedon Zenenga, continues his contacts with the various spectrums of Libyan society

    20 May 2021... 20 May 2021 - As part of his ongoing engagement with Libyan stakeholders from all sectors of society, Assistant Secretary-General and UNSMIL Coordinator ...

  9. Transcript of Media Stakeout by SRSG for Libya Ghassan Salame (UNSMIL) on Libya – Security Council - 06 January 2020

    7 January 2020 Informal comments to the media by Ghassan Salame, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on the latest situa

  10. UNSMIL Calls on Libyan Political Stakeholders to Redouble Efforts to Reach Agreement to Form GNA

    2 November 2015 UNSMIL Calls on Libyan Political Stakeholders to Redouble Efforts to Reach Agreement to Form ...
