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  1. Libyan constitution-makers participate in a workshop on local governance and financial system

    26 November 2014

  2. SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily's Remarks to the Security Council - 22 August 2023

    22 August 2023... Download 20230822_-_srsg_abdoulaye_bathilys_briefing_to_the_security_council_on_the_situation_on_libya.pdf (120.79 KB) ...

  3. Remarks of SRSG Ghassan Salamé to the United Nations Security Council - 28 August 2017

    28 August 2017... I would like to congratulate Egypt on presiding over the Security Council this month.  ...

  4. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - November 2016

    1 December 2016 Tunis – From 1 November to 30 November 2016, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 89 civilian casualties, including 38 deaths and 51 injuries, during the conduct of hosti

  5. UN Special Envoy Ján Kubiš’ statement on the first anniversary of Libyan ceasefire agreement

    24 October 2021 © UNSMIL/M. ALASAADI TRIPOLI, 24 October 2021 - The Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General and Head

  6. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - October 2018

    2 November 2018 Tunis, 1 November 2018 –  From 1 October to 31 October 2018, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 10 civilian casualties – eight deaths and two injuries –

  7. UNSMIL Condemns Escalation in Warshafana, Calls for Safeguarding Neutrality of National Institutions

    11 April 2015 11 April 2015 – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) condemns the grave escalation in hostilities in western Libya in recent days, particularly in the Aziziya area

  8. Libyan Detention Centre Staff Receive Human Rights Training

    28 February 2017... IOM has held a five-day training for managers and staff of Libyan detention centres on: The Promotion and Protection of Migrants’ Human ...

  9. 592 rescued migrants off the Libyan coast in two days

    5 February 2017 Libya - On Friday and Saturday (3 - 4 February), four rescue-at-sea operations were conducted, resulting in the rescue of 592 migrants off western Libya.

  10. Remarks of SRSG Salamé at the High-Level Event on Libya

    20 September 2017... New York, 20 September 2017 Six years ago, the Libyan people were promised a transition of 18 months. Their transitions ...
