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  1. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - December 2017

    1 January 2018 Tunis, 1 January 2018 –  From 1 December to 31 December 2017, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented six civilian casualties - five deaths and one injury –

  2. Opening Remarks of Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Libya Ján Kubiš to the LPDF Virtual Meeting on 26 May 2021

    26 May 2021  

  3. Remarks by Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary A. DiCarlo, on behalf of the Secretary-General for the Libya Stabilization Initiative Conference

    21 October 2021 Libya MoFA Photo Libya MoFA Photo Libya MoFA Photo Thank you, Foreign Minister Mangoush, for the initiative of convening this internatio...

  4. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - March 2018

    1 April 2018 (Photo credit: UNSMIL/Iason Athanasiadis) Tunis, 1 April 2018 –  From 1 March to 31 March 2018, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 16 civilian casualties – five deaths and ...

  5. UN Humanitarian Coordinator and WHO condemn attack on Sabha Medical Center

    3 May 2017 The UN Humanitarian Coordinator and the World Health Organization (WHO) condemn the armed attack occurring on 30 April in Sabha Medical Center in the South of Libya.

  6. Acting SRSG, Stephanie Williams, strongly condemns grave violations of humanitarian pause in Libya, calls for immediate halt to all military operations

    24 March 2020 TRIPOLI, 24 march 2020 - Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Stephanie Williams

  7. Joint Communique by League of Arab States, African Union and United Nations (UNSMIL)

    25 October 2016 1.

  8. Closing Remarks of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Libya, Ján Kubiš, to the LPDF Virtual Meeting on 27 May 2021

    27 May 2021... Honorable members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, ...

  9. Showcasing Libyan Youths Talent, Photo Exhibition Opens

    2 May 2013... help from a UN training workshop in collaboration with the Libyan Ministry of Social Affairs. ...

  10. United Nations Hosts Consultative Meeting of Libyan Political Forces

    31 October 2013... today hosted a consultative meeting of representatives of Libyan political forces during which issue ...
