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  1. Photos: Libyan Political Dialogue in Full Swing in Skhirat, Morocco

    12 September 2015... 12 September 2015 - The Libyan political dialogue taking place in Skhirat, Morocco, with the aim to ...

  2. Libyan Independence Day

    9 November 2016 Libyan Independace Day Date: 24/12/2016 - ...

  3. UNMAS supports Libyan women to organize the first Small Arms and Light Weapons National Awareness Day in Libya

    28 December 2017... On 16 December, the cohort of Libyan women, trained by UNMAS on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Risk ...

  4. FAO Provides Training for Libyan Officials in Communication and reporting on SDGs

    23 April 2018

  5. UNSMIL Statement on the first round of Talks of Libyan 5+5 Joint Military Commission in Geneva

    8 February 2020  

  6. Statement attributable to the spokesperson for the Secretary-General on the positive response of Libyan parties to calls for humanitarian pause

    22 March 2020... responses by the Government of National Accord and the Libyan National Army on 18 and 21 March respectively, to the calls for a ...

  7. Leon: We Will Press Ahead and No Chance to Allow Hardliners to Hijack the Political Process

    21 October 2015 Excerpts from SRSG for Libya Bernardino Leon’s Press Conference Held in Tunis, Tunisia, Today Wednesday 21 October 2015:

  8. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - July 2018

    1 August 2018 (photo credit: UNSMIL/Iason Athanasiadis) Tunis, 1 August 2018 –  From 1 July to 31 July 2018, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 8 civilian casualties –three deaths an...

  9. In Tripoli, Libyan Civil Society Organizations Receive Training on Conflict Resolution, Transitional Justice and Reconciliation

    11 November 2017 10 November 2017, Tripoli - With the aim of enhancing civil society organizations (CSOs)’ capacities to engage in reconciliation efforts...

  10. Remarks by SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily to the Security Council - 15 February 2024 

    15 February 2024 Madam President,
