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    23 June 2021 23 June 2021 

  2. Remarks of the UN Special Envoy for Libya, Ján Kubiš at the Consultative Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Neighboring States of Libya

    30 August 2021 Algiers, 30-31 August 2021

  3. Remarks of the UN Special Envoy for Libya, Ján Kubiš, League of Arab States Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers - Cairo, 9 September

    9 September 2021 © UNSMIL/M. ALASAADI Excellencies,

  4. SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily's opening remarks: Security Working Group for Libya

    24 May 2023 Excellencies, distinguished member of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC):

  5. UNSMIL statement on the meeting of the House of Representatives Committee in Rome

    25 July 2021 At the invitation of Libya’s House of Representatives (HoR) and in line with its mandate to facilitate the holding of parliamentary and presidential elections on 24 December

  6. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - October 2017

    1 November 2017 Tunis, 1 November 2017 – From 1 October to 31 October 2017, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 38 civilian casualties - 23 deaths and 15 injuries – dur

  7. Appeal by SRSG Bernardino Leon for release of detainees and peace on the occasion of Eid al-Adha

    25 September 2015... the Secretary-General for Libya Bernardino Leon appeals to all parties in Libya to release ...

  8. Briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya to the Security Council

    15 July 2015 15 July 2015 - Mr. President, Distinguished Members of the Council, Excellencies,

  9. United Nations in Libya Statement on the International Women’s Day

    8 March 2022  

  10. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - November 2017

    1 December 2017 Tunis, 1 December 2017 – From 1 November to 30 November 2017, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 16 civilian casualties - six deaths and 10 injuries –
