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  1. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - June 2017

    1 July 2017 Tunis , 1 July 2017 –  From 1 June to 30 June 2017, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 26 civilian casualties - 9 deaths and 17 injuries

  2. UNICEF welcomes Al Zintan’s Decision to Stop the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict

    1 March 2016 Tunis, February 26, 2016 - UNICEF’s Special Representative in Libya, Dr.

  3. Chairman’s Summary of High-Level Meeting on Libya United Nations Headquarters

    26 September 2014 New York, 25 Septembe

  4. UNESCO Condemns Vandalism of Cultural and Religious Heritage in the Old City of Tripoli

    15 October 2014 On 7 October, a group of gunmen stormed and vandalized the Karamanli Mosque, one of Tripoli’s most famous and beautiful mosques built by Ahmed Paschia in 1738.

  5. Near verbatim transcript of ASRSG Stephanie Williams virtual press conference 13 November 2020

    13 November 2020... I am pleased to announce that today participants to the Libyan Political dialogue Forum agreed that the date of the national elections ...

  6. UN Security Council Press Statement on Libya. 14 March 2016

    14 March 2016 The members of the Security Council welcomed the meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue on 10 March 2016, which reaffirmed its commitment to ...

  7. Address by SRSG for Libya, Tarek Mitri, Conference on Human Rights in in Libya, Al-Baida 30 May 2013

    31 May 2013

  8. Briefing by Bernardino León SRSG for Libya - Meeting of the Security Council 15 September 2014

    16 September 2014 As delivered Security Council Briefing, 15 September 2014 ...

  9. Statement by the Co-Chairs of the International Follow-up Committee on Libya

    21 April 2021 United Nations Special Envoy Ján Kubiš and Co-chair Ambassador Christian Buck of Germany warmly welcome the participation of Prime Minister Adbul

  10. Security Council Press Statement on LIBYA 19 July 2018

    20 July 2018 The members of the Security Council welcomed the briefing from the Special Representative of the ...
