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  1. Statement of SRSG Ghassan Salamé to the Forth Meeting of the African Union High-Level Committee on Libya

    11 September 2017 Brazzaville, Republic of Congo – 9 September 2017

  2. Transcript of the Opening Remarks of the Special Envoy for Libya, Jan Kubis in the virtual meeting of LPDF - Verbatim

    27 March 2021 26 March 2021

  3. First group of vulnerable refugees evacuated from Libya to Rwanda

    29 September 2019 A group of 66 vulnerable refugees was evacuated from Libya to Rwanda last Thursday, 26 September on a UNHCR-chartered flight.

  4. Statement on Recent Media Reports of Slavery in Libya

    22 November 2017... in the country, is actively pursuing the matter with the Libyan authoritie ...

  5. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - June 2018

    2 July 2018 (photo credit: UNSMIL/Iason Athanasiadis) Tunis, 2 July 2018 –  From 1 June to 30 June 2018, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 31 civilian casualties –16 deaths and 15...

  6. Transcript of the Secretary-General’s remarks at Press Conference - Tripoli, Libya - 4 April 2019

    5 April 2019 Thank you very much for your presence.

  7. Note to correspondents – United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) leadership transition

    17 November 2015 New York, 16 November 2015 - Mr.

  8. DiCarlo: "I urge everyone to support the Secretary-General’s efforts to help Libyans forge a path to peace."

    30 August 2022 Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Libya, Remarks by Rosemary ...

  9. Acting SRSG Stephanie Williams opening remarks during third virtual meeting of the second round of the LPDF on 2 December 2020

    2 December 2020 UNSMIL Archive - Nov 2020 I want to remind as I said before, time is not on your side.

  10. UNSMIL shocked by attack on a civilian-populated area in Tripoli killing young children

    14 October 2019 Tripoli, 14 October 2019 - Once again, innocent children pay the ultimate price.
