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  1. SRSG Ghassan Salame briefing to the Security Council 5 September 2018

    5 September 2018 Mr President, I would like to congratulate the United States of America on its presidency of the Council this month and thank you for this opportunity to update the Council.

  2. UNSMIL Welcomes Libya Ceasefire Declarations to Allow Chance for Dialogue

    18 January 2015... Libya (UNSMIL) welcomes the unilateral announcements by the parties in Libya for a ceasefire to resolve the conflict peacefu ...

  3. UNSMIL Statement on the Security Situation in Southern Libya

    19 October 2018... 19 October 2018 - UNSMIL deplores the deterioration of the security situation in Libya’s South and calls on the Libyan authorities to take prompt and effective action agai ...

  4. Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General - on Libya

    27 August 2022 The Secretary-General is following with deep concern reports of violent clashes in Tripoli causing civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure. 

  5. JOB OPENING – Dispatch Officer

    11 February 2022... help to achieve a ceasefire and, once it is agreed by the Libyan parties, provide appropriate support to its implementation; (v) support ... services and facilities to end-user groups. • Ensures that all mission personnel are aware of the services available to them and also of ...

  6. Opening remarks for the Advisory Committee meeting of the LPDF – Tunis, 24 June

    24 June 2021... Distinguished members of the LPDF Advisory Committee, ...

  7. UN calls for urgent protection for Tawergha internally displaced

    27 February 2018 Statement from the Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Ms. Maria Ribeiro

  8. UNSMIL expresses concern over armed clashes in Tripoli’s Salaheddine area, calls for immediate cessation of hostilities

    3 September 2021 TRIPOLI, 02 September 2021 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) expresses grave concern about ongoing armed clashes, inclu

  9. Opening Remarks of the Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Libya, Stephanie Williams - Meeting of the LPDF Advisory Committee

    13 January 2021 Geneva, 13 January 2021

  10. United Nations Secretary-General's Message on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2013

    10 December 2013 Human Rights Day marks the anniversary of the adoption by the General Assembly of the landmark Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
