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  1. Martin Kobler, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNSMIL Briefing to the UN Security Council

    7 June 2017 “Setting the Stage for Peace” 7 June 2017, Tunis   Thank you, Mr. President.

  2. Martin Kobler: ‘National Harmony’ Initiative is a Positive Step

    27 May 2016... of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Martin Kobler, says that the ‘National Ha ...

  3. Martin Kobler on the occasion of the Human Rights Day: End Human Rights Abuses in Libya

    10 December 2015... - Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Martin Kobler called for ending of the grave human rights violations and abuses ...

  4. Excerpts from SRSG for Libya Martin Kobler Press Conference in Tobruk, 21 November 2015

    22 November 2015 Mr. Minister, Mr. second vice president of the House of Representatives, Dear colleagues from the press, members of the House of Representatives.

  5. Martin Kobler: UN Calls for a Humanitarian Pause & Immediate Evacuation of Civilians from Ganfouda

    6 October 2016... head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Martin Kobler is deeply disturbed by reports that civilians in Benghazi’s ...

  6. Martin Kobler, the UN Envoy for Libya,

    24 February 2016 Calls on the leadership of the House of Representatives to formalize the declaration of the majority of its members approving the Government of National Accord.

  7. Martin Kobler Strongly Condemns Abduction of Parliamentarian Mohamed al-Ra’id

    28 January 2016 Calls for his Immediate and Unconditional Release

  8. Martin Kobler: Concerned for Civilians in Qanfouda, calls for Safe Passage

    10 December 2016... and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, Martin Kobler, is deeply worried that civilians remain in Qanfouda de ...

  9. Martin Kobler: Concerned by Fighting in Ajdabiya, Calls for the Respect for International Humanitari

    18 December 2015... Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Martin Kobler is concerned by the outbreak of deadly violence in the city of Ajdabiya ...

  10. Statement of SRSG Martin Kobler to the Security Council

    8 February 2017 “2017: The Year of Decisions”   Mr President, Distinguished members of the Council,
