“I will always remain inspired by the resolve, resilience, and courage of people in Libya”, says DSRSG Gagnon as she concludes her tour in Libya

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17 Sep 2024

“I will always remain inspired by the resolve, resilience, and courage of people in Libya”, says DSRSG Gagnon as she concludes her tour in Libya

Tripoli, 17 September 2024 - As I conclude more than three years of service as the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Libya, I express my sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to the people of Libya for their warm welcome and support. It has been a true honor and the highest privilege to serve people in Libya by leading and coordinating the UN in Libya’s strong and unwavering support of humanitarian assistance, sustainable development, human rights and peacebuilding efforts. Through close and continuous work with Libyan and international partners, progress has been made in advancing sustainable peacebuilding and development for the benefit of all people in Libya (highlighted in the UN Libya Result Report 2023). Still, much work lies ahead. I have full confidence in the ongoing dedication of the UN team in Libya, who remain committed to supporting the nation’s path toward a more peaceful and prosperous future. 

 I also had the great privilege of traveling across the country – from Kufra to Derna to Ghadames, Sabha, Tripoli, Benghazi and many other towns and municipalities, engaging with women, men, youth and children from all walks of life and experiencing Libya’s rich and unique social and cultural landscape. I witnessed the strength and determination of people from across Libya, who, despite significant challenges, strive every day for peace, stability and a better future. I will always remain appreciative, humbled and inspired by the resolve, resilience, and courage of people in Libya. 

To all people in Libya, my best wishes are with you. I sincerely hope you find the path to resolve the current political impasse and build a future of peace, prosperity, and unity in this beautifully rich and diverse country. Thank you again for the privilege of serving you.  

Choukran wa ila alliqa’a.