Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General Stephanie Williams announces the establishment of the LPDF's Advisory Committee
Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General Stephanie Williams is pleased to announce the establishment of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum’s Advisory Committee and is grateful to the LPDF members for their active and constructive participation.
UNSMIL received a total of 28 nominations from the LPDF. We commend the enthusiasm demonstrated by the LPDF members in the nomination process. In line with the LPDF’s core principle of inclusivity, the Mission has expanded the membership of the Advisory Committee to 18 members to ensure broad geographical and political diversity as well as the participation of women, youth, and cultural components.
The Committee’s mandate will be strictly time-bound and its main mission shall be to discuss outstanding issues related to the selection of a unified executive and to put forward concrete and practical recommendations upon which the plenary shall decide. The national elections date of December 24, 2021 remains a sine qua non for UNSMIL, a guiding principle and unrenounceable goal.
The members of the Advisory Committee are as follows:
1- السيدة وافية سيف النصر
2- السيدة سلطنة المسماري
3- السيدة سيدة اليعقوبي
4- السيد محمد العجيلي الحسناوي
5- السيد محمد ادم لينو
6- السيد حسين الانصاري
7- السيد عبد الرحمن العبار
8- السيد انس سعيد الحمري
9- السيد خالد الاسطى
10- السيد موسى فرج
11- السيد علي عبد العزيز
12- السيد سعيد صالح كلا
13- السيد عبدالله عثمان
14- السيد نزار كعوان
15- السيد الشيباني عبدالله الشيباني
16- السيد محمد اللافي
17- السيد أحمد الشركسي
18- السيد أبو بكر العبيدي.