Clarification on Verifying Allegations of Torture of Detainees
Tripoli, 1 April 2014 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has received allegations that some detainees have been tortured. UNSMIL wrote to the Prosecutor General on 23 March 2014 asking for access to detainees at Al-Hadhba Correction and Rehabilitation Institution. After authorization was granted from the Head of the Investigations Unit at the Prosecutor General’s Office on 26 March 2014, UNSMIL contacted the relevant authorities and is awaiting a date for the visit to be set.
In general, UNSMIL cannot confirm or deny any allegations related to torture without undertaking the necessary visits, in appropriate conditions, that would allow the Mission to verify these allegations. It reiterates that regular visits to detainees contribute to protection from torture. At the same time, these visits contribute to refuting any false accusations against the authorities. Also, access to lawyers and doctors of the detainee's own choice, as well as to families, are additional safeguards provided for by international human rights standards.