Judiciary Capacity-Building

Rule of Law adviser Ahmad Ghanem makes a point to a member of the Libyan military from the city of Zawiah during an assessment trip there by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya in October 201

UNSMIL is engaging the Ministry of Justice to support the resumption of the court system. In this connection, UNSMIL is working with the High Judicial Institute to identify capacity needs within the Libyan judiciary, and together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is conducting a legal review of a number of Libyan laws to advise on how these can be harmonised with international instruments. UNSMIL in consultation with relevant Libyan entities is developing a capacity development programme for public defenders, judicial police and military prosecutors.

In close consultation with the Supreme Judicial Council, UNSMIL has been working to provide support to the national committee established to examine the status of the judiciary and submit recommendations on judicial reform.