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  1. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on Libya

    8 April 2020 Stephane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General

  2. UNSMIL Welcomes the Opening of Sharara and El Feel oil fields and Calls for a Full Lifting of the Oil Blockade

    8 June 2020 TRIPOLI, 08 June 2020 – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) welcomes the opening of the Sharara and El Feel oil fields this weekend.

  3. SRSG Bathily visits affected areas of Derna and speaks with first responders and survivors

    16 September 2023 SRSG Bathily and DSRSG Gagnon visit Derna following Storm Daniel SRSG Bathily and DSRSG Gagnon speak to a first responder in Derna following the aftermath of Storm Daniel ...

  4. United Nations Welcomes Adoption of Transitional Justice Law

    25 September 2013 Tripoli, 25 September 2013- The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) welcomed the adoption by the General National Congress of the long-awaited law on Transitional Justice at its sessio

  5. UNSMIL Statement on the Protests in al-Marj City on 12 September 2020

    13 September 2020 13 September 2020 - UNSMIL expresses grave concern regarding reports that one civilian was killed, three were injured, and a number o

  6. Statement by SRSG Tarek Mitri

    3 October 2013 Tripoli, 02 October 2013 - Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Tarek Mitri:

  7. UN complete third training on Small Arms and Light Weapons risk awareness and control measures for Libyan women

    19 December 2017... Service (UNMAS), in partnership with UN Women and UNSMIL/Security Institutions Division, completed the third and last workshop of the ...

  8. Job Opening Associate Aviation Safety Officer UNSMIL-NO-B-GJO011/2022

    17 May 2022... help to achieve a ceasefire and, once it is agreed by the Libyan parties, provide appropriate support to its implementation; (v) support ... the Aviation Emergency Response Plan and communicates it to all officials concerned. • Organizes and coordinates aviation safety ...

  9. Towards a Professional Media in Libya An Action Plan for Reform in the Media Sector

    2 June 2016... and the recent elaboration of the Code of Ethics for Libyan Journalists and Media Professionals in a ...

  10. Launch of 2014 Portfolio for Assistance in Humanitarian Mine Action And Arms and Ammunition Mangemet

    13 March 2014... The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and the Libyan Mine Action Centre (LIBMAC) launched the 2014 Portfolio for Assistance ...
