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  1. France supports UNFPA’s response to Gender Based Violence in Libya

    7 March 2019

  2. Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Yacoub El Hillo, following today’s attack on Al Khadra General Hospital in Tripoli

    6 April 2020 Tripoli, 6 April 2020 – At a moment when people in Libya needed nothing more than a safe home and functioning medical facilities, we received the news

  3. Women of the High Council of State and House of Representatives join to advocate for more representation in Libya’s future parliament

    2 May 2023 Tripoli — As Libya moves toward establishing electoral laws, female members of the High Council of State and the House of Representatives have agreed t

  4. SRSG Bathily chairs meeting of the Joint Military Commission and liaison committees with neighboring Countries to discuss action plan to withdraw mercenaries and foreign fighters

    7 February 2023 SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily chairs a meeting between the 5+5 Joint Military Commission and the Liaison Committees of Libya, Sudan and Niger 7 February 2023 to discuss the withdrawal of foreign fighters and mercenaries. ...

  5. UN System in Libya and Republic of Korea Commit to strengthen the Humanitarian Assistance to Libya

    29 January 2015 Republic of Korea contributes 1.18 million for humanitarian assistance in Libya

  6. International Financial Audit Review of the Central Bank of Libya Confirms the Urgent Need to Move Forward with Unification

    8 July 2021 On 8 July 2021, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Libya and Head of the United Nat

  7. Migrants and refugees crossing Libya subjected to “unimaginable horrors” – UN

    20 December 2018 Geneva/Tripoli, 20 December 2018 – Migrants and refugees are being subjected to “unimaginable horrors” from the moment they enter Libya, throughout their stay in the country and –

  8. United Nations Support Mission In Libya welcomes the adoption of the Electoral Law

    9 February 2012 United Nations Support Mission In Libya welcomes(UNSMIL) the adoption of the Electoral Law which constitutes an important step in Libya's transition to democracy.

  9. Note to Correspondents SG views on the Report of the InternationalCommission of Inquiry on Libya

    14 March 2012... Commission of Inquiry on Libya provide a strong basisfor the Libyan auth ...

  10. United Nations Visits Southern Libya

    25 November 2012... of the Secretary General Georg Charpentier travelled to the Libyan South on 19-24 ...
