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  1. United Nations Calls on Libyans To Strengthen Legitimacy, Resolve Differences Through Political Dial

    9 May 2013 Tripoli, 30 April 2013 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) is closely following the recent developments in the country, including the siege of Ministries and oth

  2. UNSMIL, EU provide Libyan coastguard with gender sensitization training

    20 April 2017... United Nations officials are mentoring Libyan coastal guards regularly engaged in risky search-and-rescue missions at ...

  3. UNESCO is uniquely placed to help Libyan people, SRSG Leon says in meeting with the Director-General

    26 August 2015 On 26 August, the Director-General welcomed to UNESCO Mr Bernardino Leon, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya, and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya

  4. Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Libya holds a series of meetings with Libyan and officials and actors from different backgrounds and affiliation

    3 May 2021 Tripoli, 3 May 2021 - Special Envoy of the UN Secr...

  5. Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the Situation in Tripoli, Libya

    1 September 2018 New York, 1 September 2018 - The Secretary-General condemns the continued escalation of violence in and around Libya’s capital and, in particular, the use by armed groups of indisc

  6. Joint Communique on Libya

    22 September 2016 Joint Communique on Libya by Algeria, Canada, Chad, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Jordan, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Niger, Qatar, Russia

  7. SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily’s Remarks to the Security Council meeting on Libya - 27 February 2023

    27 February 2023 (As delivered)

  8. Special Representative of the Secretary-General Meets Libyan PM

    16 September 2013... of the Secretary-General for Libya, Tarek Mitri, met with Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan on Sunday 18 August 2013. ...

  9. SRSG Bernardino Leon Meets Libyan Parliament's Speaker Akila Saleh. Tobruk, Monday 27 October 2014

    27 October 2014

  10. Readout of the Secretary-General’s meeting with the Deputy PM of the Libyan GNA Mr. Mousa Al Kony

    29 March 2016... meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Libyan Government of National Accord, Mr. Mousa Al Kony ...
