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  1. Human Rights Report on Civilian Casualties - August 2016

    1 September 2016 Tunis, 1 September 2016 – From 1 August to 31 august 2016, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 47 civilian casualties, including 32 deaths and 15 injure

  2. UNICEF Announces the ‘Child Friendly Municipality Award’ in Libya

    20 April 2017... Tunis – With the support from the Libyan Ministry of Local Government and the European Union, UNICEF announced ...

  3. Excerpts from SRSG for Libya Bernardino Leon’s Press Conference in Skhirat, Morocco 09 June 2015

    9 June 2015... last night, it is still early to assess how it is going to work but I can tell as an early reaction from some of the participants, not all of them we st ...

  4. DSRSG Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed’s Remarks to General Congress of the Justice and Construction Party

    27 April 2014 Tripoli, 26 April 2014

  5. Excerpts from SRSG Bernardino Leon’s Press Conference in Skhirat, late Wednesday 07 October 2015

    8 October 2015 After consultations with all the Libyans participating in this national dialogue, I come here to tell ...

  6. Joint Statement by UNSMIL and UNMAS on Mine action Day:

    4 April 2016 “Together for a Libya free of Mines and Explosive Remnants”


    3 December 2013 More than 1 billion of us live with disabilities.

  8. Sub-regional Youth Consultation on Youth, Peace and Security

    7 April 2017... the recommendation of the consultation of Youth, Peace and Security. Mr. Diego Zorilla Resident ...

  9. UNHCR Briefing Notes - 14 November 2014: New displacement in east, south and west of Libya

    17 November 2014 Geneva, 14.11.2014 - This is a summary of what was said by the UNHCR spokesperson at today’s Palais des Nations press briefing in Geneva.

  10. Remarks of the UN Special Envoy for Libya and Head of UNSMIL, Ján Kubiš, on the opening of the (5+5) JMC meeting in Cairo - 30 October 2021

    30 October 2021... © UNSMIL/M. ALASAADI First of all, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to the Government of ...
