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  1. Libya’s rich cultural heritage is important for young people to celebrate

    6 February 2024... KHOMS – 6 February – A group of young women from across Libya joined Deputy Special Representative for the Secretary General and Resident and Humani ...

  2. Calls to place victims at the heart of Libya's national reconciliation process in a joint conference of UNSMIL and the Presidential Council

    26 February 2024... transitional justice and reconciliation process in Libya”, UNSMIL Deputy S ...

  3. Security Council Press Statement on Libya May 2024

    6 May 2024... of the Security Council expressed their gratitude to the Special Representative of the Secr ...

  4. UNSMIL Launches New Youth Engagement Strategy for Libya in Ghadames

    14 May 2024... GHADAMES – 14 May – Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General and Resident Coordinator, ...

  5. In Ghadames, Derj and Awal, DSRSG Gagnon highlights need for increased government support for sustainable development

    26 May 2024... mission to Ghadames, Derj and Awal last week, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General and Resident and Humanitarian ...

  6. Libyan Security and military providers reflect on a common code of conduct

    31 May 2024 Representatives from Libyan military and security institutions and actors - with UNSMIL experts ... workshop to discuss a common code of conduct for Libyan security and military institutions and actors. ...

  7. Young women graduate from UNSMIL’s Ra’idat programme after a year of training

    5 June 2024... TRIPOLI – 5 June – Twenty-six young women from across Libya graduated from the UNSMIL-led training programme by presenting their ...

  8. DSRSG Koury's remarks on Libya to the UN Security Council - 19 June 2024

    19 June 2024 Mister President,

  9. Ra’idat 2024-25 is open for applicants

    1 July 2024... Tripoli, 1 July - The United Nations in Libya is now accepting applications for the second cohort of its annual ...

  10. DSRSG-RC/HC and UN in Libya delegation visit Kufra to see situation of Sudanese refugees, host communities and humanitarian response

    21 July 2024... TRIPOLI - 21 July – Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General and Resident Humanitarian ...
