Security Council press statement on Libya, 20 June 2013
On 18 June, the members of the Security Council heard a briefing on the situation in Libya from the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Tarek Mitri.
The Members of the Security Council welcomed the progress made by the Libyan Government under the stewardship of Prime Minister Ali Zeidan and encouraged it to continue this progress, delivering concrete results.
The Members of the Security Council called for continued and sustained engagement by the international community aimed at supporting the Libyan Government's efforts to increase the effectiveness and capacity of its security and justice sector institutions, to complete a successful transition to democracy and to develop the Libyan economy and to improve the provision of public services.
The Members of the Security Council expressed deep concern about the recent acts of violence in Benghazi which claimed lives of many people and called upon all Libyans to rally around their legitimate institutions, both civilian and military.
The Members of the Security Council stressed the necessity to reject violence in all its forms and to resolve disagreements peacefully and through dialogue and encouraged all Libyans to engage with the political process of reconciliation and constitutional reform through peaceful and inclusive means, underpinned by respect for the rule of law.
The Members of the Security Council expressed serious concern about the continued arbitrary detentions without access to due process of thousands of persons held outside the authority of the state and called for their immediate release or transfer to detention centers under state authority.
The Members of the Security Council condemned cases of torture and mistreatment observed in illegal detention centers in Libya. They emphasized that practices of torture and extra-judicial killing should not be tolerated in Libya. They called upon the Libyan authorities to investigate all violations of human rights and bring the perpetrators of such acts to justice. In that regard, the Members of the Security Council welcomed recent legislative initiatives undertaken by the General National Congress in Libya. They also noted the importance of the cooperation of the Libyan authorities with the International Criminal Court and the Prosecutor.
The Members of the Security Council recognized the important role played by UNSMIL and expressed their support to its work.
New York, 20 June 2013