Statement by the Co-Chairs (Algeria / Germany / League of Arab States / UNSMIL) of the Political Working Group of the International Follow-up Committee on Libya
The Political Working Group (PWG) of the International Follow-up Committee on Libya (IFCL) held a meeting on 3 December 2020 to review the progress achieved thus far with regards the Libyan political track and consider how participants of the Berlin process can further support these efforts.
Following the discussion, the PWG Co-Chairs:
- Welcomed the successful conclusion of the meeting of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) in Tunis on 15 November, resulting in three outcome documents (Roadmap for the Preparatory Phase of a Comprehensive Solution; Chapter on Eligibility for Candidacy for the Executive Authority; Chapter on Unified Executive Authority), thus opening the way for a Libyan-led and Libyan-owned process towards holding presidential and parliamentary elections and a reunified and fully sovereign Libya free of all forms of foreign military intervention and external interference;
- Called on all Libyan stakeholders to support the outcomes of the political dialogue as a first step towards the restoration of a unified and legitimized executive authority;
- Encouraged all participants of the LPDF to now swiftly agree, under the auspices of UNSMIL, on the modalities that would allow for the establishment of the restructured Presidency Council and new Government of National Unity;
- Called on all stakeholders to ensure the integrity of the LPDF process, to exercise moderation in public statements and refrain from hate speech and escalatory rhetoric;
- Recognised the important role of neighbouring countries and regional organisations, and the importance of harmonised, coordinated and strengthened international efforts, to facilitate the implementation of the Roadmap, in particular with regards to progress on the constitutional track and on the electoral process;
- Emphasized the interdependence of the political, security, economic and human rights / international humanitarian law tracks, and noted that progress on the political track can contribute to further consolidating the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and to easing recent tensions with regards to economic governance and the equitable usage of oil export revenues.