UNSMIL Announces Libyan Political Dialogue to Resume this Week, Calls for Immediate Ceasefire
03 March 2015 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) announces that the next round of political dialogue will take place later this week in Morocco, after all the invited parties agreed to participate.
The parties have formally communicated their decision to take part in the dialogue following close consultations with Special Representative of the Secretary-General Bernardino Leon during his visit to Tobruk and Tripoli on 2 March 2015.
The parties underscored the need to urgently resume the dialogue process as the only viable means of finding a peaceful solution to Libya's political crisis and bringing a durable end to the military conflict that has brought much suffering to the Libyan people.
All parties expressed their unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist attack in al-Qubbah on 20 February 2015 and outrage at the senseless loss of innocent lives. In this regard, the parties underscored the need for a united Libyan front and an empowered Libyan State in order to confront the growing threat of terrorism in Libya. Stressing that Libyan unity remained the most effective tool for countering the danger posed by terrorist groups, SRSG Leon pledged the unwavering commitment of the United Nations and the international community to supporting a future national unity government in the fight against terrorism.
The parties agreed to UNSMIL's proposal that the upcoming round of talks focus on the following agenda items: 1) formation of a government of national unity, including the discussion about the future prime minister and deputy prime ministers; 2)security arrangements to pave the way for a comprehensive ceasefire, the phased withdrawal of all armed groups from towns and cities, measures for weapons and arms control, and adequate monitoring and implementation mechanisms; and 3) the completion of the constitution drafting process within clear timelines.
The Libyan people have paid a huge price and have suffered much over the past months. At this critical juncture in Libya's transition, and in view of rapidly diminishing window of opportunity for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Libya, UNSMIL appeals to all parties to approach the next round of talks with a spirit of constructive engagement and strong sense of national responsibility.
The Mission also calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities to create a conducive environment for the talks. All parties are urged to desist from engaging in reciprocal attacks that only serve to escalate tensions and contribute to further violence. In this regard, UNSMIL reminds the parties of the relevant provisions of UN Security Council resolution 2174 (2014) related to those who undermine the political process.
Welcoming the important decision taken by Libya's political leaders to return to the negotiating table, UNSMIL once again reiterates its commitment to ensuring a transparent Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political dialogue process. In this regard, the Mission has informed the parties that final decisions regarding the outcome of the dialogue process will only be made once each of the dialogue participants has had the opportunity to undertake the necessary consultations.
Neither the United Nations nor the international community or any other external actor can dictate in any shape or form outcomes or decisions as far as the dialogue process is concerned.
UNMSIL hopes to continue meetings in Libya as agreed by all participants.