UNSMIL calls upon the Government to provide greater security to Tawerga IDPs
UNSMIL has expressed its serious concerns to the authorities about an incident involving attacks against Tawerga IDPs on the morning of 6 February at the IDP camp at Janzur Marine Academy, near Tripoli.
Based on direct interviews with witnesses and injured victims, UNSMIL is now able to confirm that a total of seven people were killed three inside the Academy and four during a street demonstration by the Tawergas immediately following the shooting incident. Three of the dead were children and two were women. In addition, nineteen people were injured. Three Tawerga demonstrators are still under detention.
UNSMIL welcomes the action by military police of the national Army in restoring security. UNSMIL calls upon the Government to conduct an investigation of the incident and bring to justice those responsible. As an immediate step, UNSMIL calls upon the Government to provide information on the whereabouts of the three detainees and ensure their safety.
UNSMIL urges the Government to ensure greater security to the camp by deploying sufficient numbers of security personnel at the Janzur location, as well as to ensure the protection of Tawerga displaced people elsewhere.
Investigation and arrests of persons against whom there is evidence of crimes committed during the conflict in Misrata and elsewhere in the country should be carried out by state authorities within the law.