UNSMIL commends municipal elections in Al-Zawiya Al-Gharbia and Ar-Rajban
22 December 2020 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) congratulates the citizens of Ar-Rajban and Al-Zawiya Al-Gharbia on the conduct of peaceful and democratic municipal council elections on 21 December 2020.
“I commend the civic responsibility of the citizens who exercised their right to vote and demonstrated their resolve in democracy and elected institutions. I encourage all voters to actively participate in upcoming municipal elections, particularly women, youth and vulnerable groups”, the Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (ASRSG) of the United Nations in Libya, Stephanie Williams said.
The Mission also commends the continuous efforts exerted by the Central Committee for Municipal Council Elections (CCMCE) to conduct these elections during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the application of precautionary measures in the protection of voters, polling staff, and electoral stakeholders.
In the light of the concerted efforts towards the unification of Libyan state institutions, the Acting SRSG urges all responsible parties in the western and eastern parts of Libya to start immediate discussions on a modus operandi of collaboration between the CCMCE and the eastern parallel committee to allow for local elections to be organized nationwide under a unified institution, building on the technical expertise and experience of the CCMCE.