UNSMIL Condemns Latest Acts of Intimidation Against the NOC
18 December 2020 - UNSMIL condemns the recent threats made by armed groups against the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and its subsidiary, the Brega Petroleum Marketing Company based in Tripoli. The NOC is and must remain a unified, independent, and apolitical institution that works for the benefit of all Libyans. These actions may constitute a violation of UN Security Council Resolutions and those responsible could be subject to sanctions.
Libya's oil production has already suffered serious setbacks in 2020 due to the protracted oil blockade, which was lifted only three months ago, and which resulted in the irretrievable loss of $11 billion in sales. Nationwide, the NOC was able to quickly, and despite the exceptionally difficult circumstances, bring Libya's oil production fully back online.
The NOC must be supported, not undermined.