UNSMIL to convene a virtual meeting of the LPDF Proposals Bridging Committee on 16-17 July
As agreed by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) during the conclusion of the meeting in Switzerland on 2 July, and, as part of the continuing efforts to assist Libyans in securing all necessary arrangements and requirements to ensure the holding of national elections on 24 December this year, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) will convene a virtual meeting of the LPDF Proposals Bridging Committee on 16 and 17 July. The Proposals Bridging Committee was formed by the LPDF members at the conclusion of the latter’s last meeting in Switzerland with the objective to reconcile the differences among the LPDF members over key outstanding issues and construct a compromise draft constitutional basis for the upcoming elections.
The Mission looks forward to a constructive meeting of the Proposals Bridging Committee which will focus on elaborating a draft constitutional basis that commands broad consensus and that is in line with the LPDF Roadmap and UN Security Council resolution 2570 (2021). The outcomes of the Committee will be presented to the LPDF plenary for consideration.