Press releases

  • 04 Aug 2017 - Tripoli – IOM Director General William Lacy Swing returned to Tripoli earlier this week, where he reiterated that Libya remains IOM’s top priority. In what was his second visit to Libya this year, Ambassador Swing along with Vincent Houver, IOM’s Deputy Director of the Department of Operations and Emergencies, Othman Belbeisi, IOM’s Chief of Mission in Libya and other IOM Libya staff met with the Prime Minister Fayez al Serraj. 
  • 30 Jul 2017 - Tunis – On 27 July, IOM organized its first charter flight to Ghana. The flight which departed from Tripoli’s Mitiga airport provided return assistance home for 138 stranded migrants – 135 men and 3 women as well as one medical case.
  • 27 Jul 2017 - The members of the Security Council welcome recent efforts to strengthen an inclusive political dialogue among all Libyans, supported by Libya’s neighbours, international partners and regional organizations within the framework of the Libyan Political Agreement endorsed by UN Security Council Resolution 2259.
  • 27 Jul 2017 - TUNIS – 27 July, 2017: On 27 and 28 July, Libyan authorities and civil society organisations, UN entities and other stakeholders have gathered to discuss gaps and opportunities in victim assistance (VA) during the Workshop on Victim Assistance in the Context of Landmines, Cluster Munitions and Other Explosive Remnants of War in Libya.
  • 25 Jul 2017 - TUNIS – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a contribution of €1 million (US$1.16 million) from the Government of Italy that will provide food assistance to tens of thousands of Libyans affected by the ongoing conflict since 2011.
  • 18 Jul 2017 - The Government of National Accord (GNA) hosted today in Tripoli the first meeting of the Senior Policy Committee (SPC), which brings together high representatives of the Libyan Government, donor countries, the European Union, the United Nations and the World Bank. The SPC serves as a decision-making body on matters related to the coordination of international assistance to Libya.
  • 18 Jul 2017 - New York,  Nelson Mandela continues to inspire the world through his example of courage and compassion, and his commitment to social justice and a culture of freedom and peace.  I had the honour of meeting Nelson Mandela several times, including during South Africa’s transition. Each time, I was struck by his wisdom, his compassion, and above all, his humility. 
  • 14 Jul 2017 - International Organization for Migration has completed the rehabilitation of 18 water wells in 12 (out of 14) neighborhoods of the Libyan city of Sabha (Manshiya, Mashroo’, Hajara, Aljadeed, Almahdiya, Abdelkafi, Althanawiya, Sukara, Gurda, Tyori, Nasriya, and Junga). The project, part of IOM’s Community Stabilization programme “Together We Rebuild,” included the provision of new electrical pumps for wells to allow the restoration of a domestic water supply.
  • 28 Jun 2017 - The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) confirms the safe return of UN staff to Tripoli following an attack on a UN convoy traveling from Surmon to the capital. All staff are safe and accounted for.  UNSMIL reiterates its  appreciation to the Government of National Accord, House of Representative Members from Zawiyah and local authorities for  securing their safe return.   
  • 28 Jun 2017 -
     The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) confirms that a UN convoy was hit today traveling between Surman and Tripoli. UNSMIL has made contact with the staff concerned. There are no reports of casualties among UN staff. 
