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  1. UN Secretary-General's Remarks at High-Level Event on Libya

    2 October 2015 New York, 2 October 2015 I'm very much grateful to many ministers who are taking part in this meeting.

  2. Statement of Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Support Mission in Libya on repeated attacks on Mitiga airport

    4 August 2019 Tripoli, 4 August 2019 -  The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Support Mission in Libya Ghassan Salame condemns the repeated indiscriminate s

  3. Police

    17 October 2016... in the development of a capable, transparent and accountable Libyan police serv ...

  4. Statement by the Acting Humanitarian Coordinator on Libya

    21 November 2016 The United Nations is extremely concerned by the continued worsening humanitarian situation in Ganfouda area in Benghazi due to increased hostilities over the past week.

  5. Note to correspondents—statement by SRSG for Libya, Bernardino Leon

    13 November 2015... and alleged activities in contravention of United Nations Security Council resolutions. ...

  6. Press Statement from the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Libya,on the Situation in the South

    26 January 2014 Tripoli, 26 January 2014 – The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Libya, Mr.

  7. Briefing by Mr. Tarek Mitri SRSG for Libya - Meeting of the Security Council 8 November 2012

    9 November 2012... Delivered) Mr. President, Members of the Security Council, ...

  8. UNSMIL announces the lists of candidates for the positions of the three-member Presidency Council and Prime Minister

    5 February 2021 Switzerland, 5 February - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) announces that it has received four lists of candidates for the positions of the three-member

  9. United Nations Calls on Libyans to Refrain from Use of Force, Return to Dialogue

    18 February 2014 Tripoli, 18 February 2014 - The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) calls upon

  10. Urgent humanitarian access required to Derna - Statement by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Libya, Maria Ribeiro

    24 May 2018 Tripoli, 24 May 2018 - The humanitarian community in Libya is perturbed by the continued lack of humanitarian access and subsequent assistance into Derna despite repeated requests.
