Special Representative of the Secretary-General Welcomes Voter, Candidates Registration Announcement
Libya, Tripoli - 24 April 2012 - UNSMIL welcomes today's announcement by the High National Election Commission (HNEC) on the date of voters' registration as well as the registration of candidates/entities which are both scheduled to start on 1 May, 2012.
Voters' registration is a very important step in the election process. UNSMIL encourages all Libyans to exercise their democratic rights and actively participate in the elections by going to Registration Centres to register.
UNSMIL would also like to congratulate the HNEC for its accomplishments within such a short period of time and its determination to move the process forward.
The up-coming election for the National Congress is a Libyan-led process. UNSMIL remains committed, as mandated by the UN Security Council, to assist and support Libyan national efforts in this process.