UNICEF - Media Invitation to attend a Press Conference on the Oneminutejr Awards Libya success
The Ministry of Social Affairs, in partnership with UNICEF, and 1Libya will, on Sunday 12th January 2014, hold a Press Conference to announce the selection and winning of a Libyan participant, Ghada Benyaala, in the OneminuteJr Awards ceremony in The Netherlands in November 2013.
For the first time in Libya, a One Minute Video Junior Award Workshop took place in January 2013, in the Tripoli Art House. The 18 participants, aged between 12 and 18 had the opportunity to learn the basics of video production from professional film makers and create a 1-minute video that presents their views and visions of how they see the present and future of Libya. Of the 18 Libyan submissions, two made it to the finals.
The OneMinuteJr is a video initiative that highlights and celebrates the diversity among youth around the world by allowing children to speak through art; giving us an opportunity to learn of their dreams and aspirations and support them effectively.
We request the honour of your presence at a briefing on Libya's participation on Sunday 12 January, 2014 from 4pm to 5.30pm at the Art House in Tripoli. (Map Attached).
We look forward to the privilege of welcoming you or a delegate from your organisation in Tripoli to this briefing.
Yours sincerely,
Carel de Rooy
Country Director
RSVP: Manal Kahloul, email: mkahloul@unicef.org; mobile: 091-880-7344
Or Project Officer at 1Libya, Talal Burnaz, email: talal.burnaz@1libya.org; mobile: 092-652-1920