UNSMIL welcomes the convening of a HoR session in Sirte today, hopes it represents an opportunity for a new chapter to reunite the country

8 Mar 2021

UNSMIL welcomes the convening of a HoR session in Sirte today, hopes it represents an opportunity for a new chapter to reunite the country

Tripoli, 8 March 2021 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya welcomes the convening of a formal House of Representatives (HoR) session today in Sirte to deliberate on the vote of confidence on the cabinet list proposed by Prime Minister-designate Abdelhamid AlDabaiba. The Mission is pleased with the significant number of HoR members participating in the session. 

UNSMIL commends HoR Speaker Agila Saleh and HoR members for convening a reunified session after many years of divisions and paralysis. This session is an important step towards meeting the long-standing aspiration of the Libyan people to reunify the country and all state institutions. UNSMIL also acknowledges the efforts of all stakeholders who made this meeting possible, notably the (5+5) Joint Military Commission, local authorities and notable social actors in Sirte, the leadership of the Government of National Accord, the LAAF and the recently selected interim executive authority.

This historic HoR session, and its deliberations on the vote of confidence, which aims at enabling the interim unified executive authority to assume office and work with all parties in Libya to address the pressing needs of the Libyan people, represents a critical step in unifying the country and preparing it to hold democratic national elections on 24 December 2021. This opportunity to open a new chapter for Libya should not be missed.